Sunday, August 5, 2012


Stashbusting:  Two weeks in a row, nothing in and nothing out.  I am happy about the nothing in, but would love to see the outgoing numbers growing maybe next week.

I thought week before last was awful since I missed stitch in, but I think this  last week was worse if possible.  It was the first week back in school, just for teachers no kids yet.  Most of the week was spent in meetings, I got very little of my job done.  To make matters worse I decided on Friday to take my shoes off (not sure why), I was in one of my storage rooms, a huge roach ran over my toes, while I was bending over (you know what is going to happen), and yes I raised up and hit my head on a metal TV holder that is bolted to the wall.  I was bleeding and almost knocked myself out.  At least I got to leave school a little early.  My head is still sore with a huge knot on it.  If that wasn't enough I woke up yesterday with a toothache, it is an abscessed tooth which requires a root canal.  Can't get a dentist appointment until tomorrow afternoon.  I have to go to school tomorrow since it is the first day with the kids, and I can't take my pain meds they make  me too goofy. 


Sandie @ crazy'boutquilts said...

Oh man! You really got a double whammy! I would have a knot on my head too if I had a cockroach cross my path. shudder Hope tomorrow is a good day for you!

Ann Marie @ 16 Muddy Feet said...

Take two Aleve, they should help with the pain and not make you feel goofy.