Forgive me, but I just have to vent today. Do you ever have those days, weeks or months, when nothing is going right? That is where I am now. A month ago I had to go back to school, not what I really wanted to do, plus the fact that I am teaching four specials. The reason I became a media specialist is so that I wouldn't have to teach the same classes everyday. Oh well! Then my DH had back surgery, thankfully he is doing ok. He ended up not having to have a spinal fusion, only a diskectomy. Then my mom had to have back surgery. She didn't like her first doctor so she found another one, this meant that it was longer time before she could have her surgery. Thankfully she had surgery this week and came through it ok. She is with my niece now, and I will pick her up in a couple of weeks and take her home. On top of this, I had foot surgery this summer and last week a second grade student at my school was having a temper tantrum and stepped on my foot. I dealt with it for a week, and finally went back to the When I was at the doctor's office he kept looking at me and my xray saying he had never seen this before, " a student stepped on your foot and broke your toe" yep that is what is happened. That is what my last few weeks have been like, hope yours has been better.