Friday, January 8, 2010

Snow Day!!!

Usually I am all for a Snow Day, but for some reason today I really wanted to go to school. I can't believe that I am saying that. We missed two days earlier in the year due to flooding, I really didn't want to have a third day that we have to make up. We were scheduled to have our school wide spelling bee today in the media center, everything is all set up and the make up day isn't until Wednesday. The first thing I will have to do on Monday is put everything back they way it should be . Oh well, at least I got some housekeeping done. I really haven't done that much cleaning since Christmas, today gave me an opportunity to get that done. After a morning spent cleaning I went into my sewing room to work on Glory Bound, I thought I only had five more blocks to make, I was so wrong, 5 of one kind and 15 of another kind. I did manage to get the five made and have the pieces laid out for the other 15. I decided instead to finish the bed skirt that I had started for our new bed. (at least it was finishing something, not starting a new project.) I almost have the bed skirt complete now and hope to get it one the bed tomorrow.


  1. A bed skirt? Wow - that is impressive. Actually I did find some cute fabric that had "border" prints on both ends of the fabric that I thought would be cute for a bed skirt. It is still in my stash. Did you find the pattern on the web, or just using an old skirt as a pattern?


  2. Housework. Hmmm.... Somehow that didn't get on my to do list. I did empty the garbage. Does that count?

  3. I would love to have a bedskirt but out bed doesn't have a box spring - the mattress just sits on wooden slats.
    As a kid, I loved snow days!
