Thursday, January 7, 2010

Off to a good start

After once again trying to clean and organize my sewing room last week I decided that I have to finish some of my UFO's. (they are starting to take over my sewing space). Most of my UFO's are in plastic bins or boxes stacked in the corner, to make it more fun I decided just to grab one without looking to see what it was. The bin I pulled out had a Thimbles project in it from last summer, Glory Bound by Bonnie Blue Quilts. I think I only have about 5 more blocks to make, but to encourage myself I started putting the completed blocks on my design wall so I could get a feel for it. I had forgotten how much I really like this pattern. Hopefully this weekend I can get the remaining blocks completed. I might be able to get them done tomorrow if the weather is as bad as predicted, we might have a snow day.


  1. Mary Ellen Von Holt brought a Glory Bound to guild last week and reminded me that I really want to make one. I am thinking of using brighter colors in mine. Yours looks great!

  2. I love the idea of just grabbing a project and working on it. Your Glory Bound is looking good.

  3. Hi, its Mary Ellen from Bonnie Blue Quilts. Glory Bound is one of our most popular patterns and yours is looking just beautiful. Please share your completed top. We would love to see it.
