Sunday, January 22, 2017

Going Crazy

Still have my hand in a splint, at least 4 more weeks.  I had no idea that it would bother me so much not to be able to sew or do any kind of hand work.  The one positive is that I have been doing a lot of reading.  I just started Glory Over Everything, this is the sequel to The Kitchen House.  I loved The Kitchen House and asked for this book for Christmas, so far it is not a disappointment, very good.

After drawing off and coloring my Crabapple Hill blocks I went on to prepping another project, Merry Christmas from Heart to Hand.  I have all of the wool pieces draw off and the flannel cut for the background blocks,  wish I could get started.  At least I will have several projects prepped and ready to go.


  1. It would indeed be very frustrating to not be able to do handwork. I think you are coping well with it by prepping other projects and reading. The Kitchen House has been on my to read list for a very long time--maybe it should be moved up!

  2. Cool project! Haven't seen this pattern before. Will be great with your wools.
