Friday, June 12, 2015

Love my new bag

Just finished my new bag, the pattern is Victoria by Sue Spargo.  I bought the pattern several years ago with intentions to  make it and just never did.  When I started dyeing wool I knew that I would one day get around to making it.  The wool section is all my hand dyed wools, the green corduroy is from a pair of my dad's pants, along with the brown corduroy.  The buttons are from  my mom's button box, I have no idea how old some of them are.  The green and bronze upholstery came from old pillows from the house where I grew up.  This is going to be my new knitting bag.  Can't wait to show my mom.


  1. Looks great and I love how you up cycled everything!

  2. How great that you were able to use "memories" fabrics. Love it.
