Monday, August 11, 2014

This was my summer

 Although I am back at work I am still doing all of those typically "summer" things.  DH went to our garden tonight bringing back okra, tomatoes, figs, and peppers.  I love all of those things except okra, for a Mississippi Girl I never developed a taste for okra either fried or boiled.  Figs I absolutely love, these will become fig preserves tomorrow after school.  I discovered a great pretzel dip this summer using fig preserves, mix very coarse ground mustard with fig preserves to your taste.  I usually do about half and half, this is great with pretzel sticks.  Yesterday I canned tomatoes, put okra in the freezer, canned peppers, and put peppers in the freezer.  I love having a garden but am looking forward to the end of it.
I have also done lots and I mean lots of wool dyeing this summer.  I have recently started dying some yarn and love the way that it is turning out.  (The yarn is just for me)  This is in addition to all of the wool fabric that I have been dyeing.  I am really excited I have my first show coming in October where I will be a vendor.  Watch for more about that.

1 comment:

  1. Oh I miss fresh okra so much. I wonder if it would grow out here--I think I'll try next year. Congrats on your incoming vending! Very exciting!!!
