Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Snow Day

Yes, everything goes crazy in Atlanta when it snows.  It really isn't the snow it is more a problem with the ice.  Yesterday was wild, there are three major interstates going through Atlanta, plus everyone decided to go home early and it created awful traffic.  Some students had to spend the night at schools,  glad I made it home and didn't have to stay at school overnight with kids.  I got a lot and I do mean a lot done today.  Before I hit the sewing room I went outside to check out the birdfeeder.  We have some beautiful cardinals that I tried to catch at the bird feeder but no luck. 

Bottle tree in the snow.
I finally got my Yellow Brick Road Swap sewn together.  I love this quilt can't wait to get it quilted.  I am trying to decide it I want to put borders on it or not.  What do  you think?  This is the swap that we did last year out of shirtings.  I made mine bigger since I had some extra fabric, I was lucky and found some backing fabric at Sweet Home during their going out of business sale a few weeks ago. 
Photos don't do this quilt justice. 


  1. Brenda, Aren't snow days the best? I live in CO and you would think we get them all the time, but we had a our first one in 23 years at the beginning of December. I sure hope we don't have to wait that long for another one. I think the quilt is lovely. It does not need borders, but they would be good if you want it bigger. Enjoy the winter weather!

  2. Happy Snow Days to you!! Hope you get to stay home and sew all day tomorrow too. Love your bottle tree in the snow!
