Thursday, January 2, 2014


My word of the year for 2014 is FOCUS.  I don't really know where this word came from, I had already told my DH that my word of the year was going to be SIMPLIFY.  I had intended to blog about it last night but football got in the way and when I woke up this morning I had a new word for the year.  After thinking about it, FOCUS is probably a better word for me.  I do need to  simplify things in a big way, but I think by Focusing on things I can simplify things.  There are several things that I need to focus on.  Here is a quick list:

1. My self  ( I always put everything else above myself)
2. My DH  (sometimes I forget how important he is to me)
3.  My wool business, I really want to focus on this, this year and step it up a notch.
4.  My house, it definitely needs some work
5.  My family, I need to visit my mom more, along with  my niece and her family.
6.  My quilting, I didn't get a lot of quilting done in 2013 and I need to step it up in 2014
7.  My friends, I can't say enough about my friends and how supportive they are.  I need to be there for them.

I could go on, but I think if I focus on these 7 things my life will be all the better for it.  What is your word for the year.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting.....that is the word I chose for myself last week!!! I feel like I kind of piddeled my time away in may UFO's too much time on the IPAD, checking out Pintrest. I need to focus on making my health a priority. I had my Grandaughter draw me the word and color it in for me , it is hanging in my sewing room for me to see all the time. Good luck "focusing" this year!
