Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Stuck in the Civil War

I love to read, especially historical fiction.  Lately I seem to be stuck in the Civil War.  I just finished reading Mrs.  Lincoln's Dressmaker by Jennifer Chiaverini.  It is her first historical fiction novel and it is very good, definitely a departure from the  Elm Creek Quilters novels that she is best known for.  I have always loved reading about the Civil War, and Abraham Lincoln.  I have never read that much about Mrs. Lincoln and after reading Mrs. Lincoln's Dressmaker I want to read more about Mrs. Lincoln.

  At the same time I was reading this book, I was listening to a book on CD in my car, My Name is Mary Sutter.  ( the radio stations in Atlanta are awful and I have had to resort to listening to books, not a hardship).   I didn't realize when I started listening to it that it would mirror, Mrs. Lincoln's Dressmaker.  It has been very interesting experiencing the Civil War from two very different perspectives.  The main character in My Name is Mary Sutter is a white, upper class female who wants to be a surgeon; while the main character in Mrs. Lincoln's Dressmaker is a female former slave.  Both books are very good reads and I would recommend both of them if you like historical fiction.  If I had to pick one, I would probably pick My Name is Mary Sutter as the best, but that is just me.  Enjoy!!!


  1. Thanks for the recommendations. I love to read, but have read so many of the libraries books that I need to look for some new ones. ;-)

  2. Thank you for the tip. It sounds like a good book. I do like the historical stories.

  3. I really enjoyed My Name is Mary Sutter. I thought it was well written and really interesting. I need to check to see if the author has written other books.
