Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Favor to Ask of Quilting Friends

As most of you know I work in an elementary school.  This morning one of our fourth grade teachers was talking about a project they are working on and the poor response they have had to it.  Being a nosy media specialist I wanted to know what the project was in the  hopes that I could help out.  The teacher has posted a map of the US and a world map outside her classroom and is trying to get postcards from as many different places as possible to post alongside the maps.  This is a great way to get the students interested in geography.  So far she has very few postcards  and they are  from the eastern United States.  She only has one international postcard so far.  I told her that I was sure some blog readers would  be more than happy to help her out.  If you send in a post card your name will go into a drawing for a give away.  Don't know what yet, since I just came up with this.  Watch for info later on exactly what the give away is. 
Address to send the postcards to:

Casey Dunaj
2400 Ross Road
Snellville, GA 30039

Lets see how many we can get for them!!!


  1. I have a postcard from Oklahoma coming your way.

    I wonder what's the postage for postcards is nowadays???


  2. I reposted your request on my blog (I read it on SpinningStar blog). I'll send cards from Utah and Colorado.

  3. What a great idea. Will let you know, when I have posted a postcard. Want to find a nice one from here.
