Wednesday, June 15, 2011

A very long day

This has been a very  long, but very fun day.  I left home this morning around 9:00 to drive to one of the fairly local quilt shops, Quilts and  Fixins in Jonesboro.  I spent the day with Holly Anderson the quilt appraiser for the state of Georgia.  It was great to work with someone "in the field" after taking the appraisal classes in Paducah earlier this year.  The variety of quilts we saw was huge, everything from an 1884 Crazy Quilt to a just off the machine rag quilt.  I am really getting excited about this new venture that I am about to start.  I feel more confident now, and plan on working with Holly some more in the near future.  I also hope to plan some appraisal days on my own in the next few months. 
I didn't even go home before I went to my next stop, another quilt shop, Little Quilts, in Marietta.  I was taking a Featherweight TLC class.  I had taken this class years ago about a week after I got my machine and had no clue what I was doing.  Now, after sewing on it for several years I decided it was time I took it again.(it will also keep me from having to pay to have it serviced every year)  Sharon Henderson, the teacher, is a hoot.  I love taking her classes. There were only six of us in the class, which meant we got lots of personal attention.  My little machine was so happy after being cleaned, greased, and lubed.  Can't wait to sew on it this weekend at Thimbles.

1 comment:

  1. its amazing how little care they take to keep them humming.
