Friday, June 10, 2011

Great Anniversary Present

 First DH surprised me with two dozen roses.  I love roses, I get them twice a year, usually, for my birthday and for our anniversary.  We celebrated 14 years on Wednesday.  I doens' seem like it at all, but DH disagrees with me.  I had a hard time deciding what to get him this year, he doesn't need anything or really want anything.  The only thing he said he wanted was socks.  I got him 12 pair of socks, 4 each of black, blue and tan.  I knew I had to get him something else.  Luckily a few weeks ago a shooting range opened down the street from our house.  I made three trips in there to check it out.  I know those men were so glad to see the last of me.  I decided to buy DH 10 hours of shooting time.  He loved it.  Almost as much as I loved the Nook that he surprised me with.  I had swore that I would not go to the "dark side" and I would always just be a  book person, but I love it.  I have downloaded my first book, the new Marie Bostwick and am having so much fun.
New nook, and case.  I have the best hubby


  1. Happy Anniversary!

    I finally bought myself a Kindle and love downloading all the free classics that I said I should read. But, it's interesting to note that a new marketing strategy appears to be to offer the first of a series free(such as a new author or an established one) to get you hooked on buying the rest of the series.

    I also discovered that when you are waiting for the doctor, as soon as you get through one page, they walk in. Forget the Nook/Kindle and it takes forever!



  2. Congratulations! Enjoy your new toy and the lovely roses. I think you do have the best husband!

  3. Happy Anniversary! You will love your Nook. Remember to check the blog Books on the Knob for free or reduced e-books. You can also request digital books from the public library.
