Monday, October 25, 2010

Where else would a Cowgirl spend her weekend?

The 8th annual Cowboy Symposium was held at the Booth Western Art Museum over the weekend, DH and I have only  missed a couple of them.  The museum is wonderful, no matter when you go. Several times a year they have special exhibits, the current one is of Ansel Adams work.  It is outstanding.  All of the prints in the exhibit were actually printed by Adam's himself.  I was amazed by what he was able to accomplish with the materials that were available at the time.

Horse made from a variety of household objects.

Statue outside of the museum.

As part of the symposium, there were special exhibits set up around the museum.  There were Native American villages, along with performances by different native American groups.  There were also different cowboy areas set up along with chuck wagon cooking demonstrations.  I  was captivated by the beading demonstrations.  I can see some beads in my future.

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