Monday, August 30, 2010

Fall Cleaning

On Saturday morning DH and I headed up to our cabin in North Georgia and I was amazed to find a few of the leaves were actually starting to change colors.  Does this mean that Fall is on the way.  This has been one of the hottest summers in Atlanta.  We have had over 60 days of over 90 degree temperatures.  I usually don't mind hot weather, but this year has even been a little much for me.  I even noticed that several of the oak trees are starting to drop their acorns.  I am so ready for fall.
Most people do spring cleaning, I think I do fall cleaning if I do cleaning at all.  For the past few weeks I have been trying to get my sewing space back in shape.  It seems like I have to do that every few weeks.  Well, this year I am really cleaning, of course that might have something to do with the fact that I realized that I have more fabric than I can ever possibly use. I also have fabric that I purchased thinking, WOW that is great fabric and now I look at it and wonder why, why did I ever buy that.  One kit that I found is for a batik quilt called Titling Mountains.  I purchased this from the Great American Quilt Factory several years ago, paid really good money for it and now, have absolutely no desire to make it.  I am definitely  over my batik phase.  The fabric is great and the colors are wonderful if you like green and purple.  I paid $111.00 for it.  Anyone out there in blog land like to take it off of my hands.  It is everything except the backing.  I would like to get at least 70.00 for it.  Today when it took it out of the plastic bag to take the photo was the first time it had been touched.  Let me know if you are interested.  I am  almost afraid to see what other treasures I have lurking in the sewing room.


  1. That looks like a pretty kit, but I don't need another project to do. I hope you get your asking price. That is a great deal!

  2. I do "fall" cleaning too! I thought I was the only one. I think here in Michigan, I do it because I know the house is going to be closed up with no fresh air for the long winter. Love that kit, but I have more fabric than I could ever sew together if I live another 20 years. I've got to stop buying fabric. It's got to be some kind of sin to hoard this much of it!

  3. Brenda--was that GREEN I saw in there? With some purple? How big is the top? I may be interested!

  4. Where in north Georgia do you go? The weather is finally bearable here. Love those cool mountain mornings.

  5. I can't tell you how it encouraged me to hear that the leaves are beginning to change in Blue Ridge. Such good news! I think I'm doing Fall cleaning, too. We cleaned 2 refrigerators and our chest freezer today. What a good feeling!
