Sunday, August 22, 2010

Don't let one of these get you!!!

Friday night we had a really bad storm, that resulted in my butterfly bush becoming uprooted.  On Saturday when going out to clean it up, I accidentally brushed against one of my outside potted plants.  I knew immediately that something had gotten me.  I went back and looked under the leaf and found several of these little creatures.  At the time I had no idea what it was, I just knew that my wrist was killing me where it had stung or bit or whatever it did.  I dug through the medicine cabinet and found something that we normally put on wasp or bee stings, it made a lot of difference.  Later I looked online and discovered that it is a saddleback caterpillar, the most venomous of caterpillars.  Luckily I don't think it got me that bad, I had none of the side effects of a sting.  It can cause nausea, rash, and headaches.  Other than a burning sensation where it stung me, I was good to go.  Stay away from them!!


  1. Good gracious! That is the scariest caterpillar I've ever seen. Thanks for the warning. Karmen

  2. There sure are a lot of pesky little creatures here in Georgia!! Thankfully we have very few mosquitos here in the mountains.

  3. YIKES!!! That is so scary! What a horrible bug. Glad you didn't get too stung. I think you better stay inside and sew where it is safer.

  4. OMG that is a nasty bug. Quite the storm Friday night. I was very anxious on my drive home0it was really scary. Wildlife and nasty weather: Georgia in the summer

  5. When I first saw the photo, I didn't think it was real! Oh my!!! Thank goodness it didn't get you any worse than it did!

  6. When I saw the picture, i thought it was a silly thing you buy in a store to scare people!

    Glad you are ok....


  7. What a ferocious looking bug! Must be too cold in South Dakota--I've never seen one here. I guess cold weather has a few perks.
