Thursday, August 12, 2010

Blogging Away

As most of you know for the last few weeks I have had some major blogging problems.  First my background  disappeared, then my followers disappeared.  This was followed by several other minor blogging problems.  Since school started back and I was back at work there was little time left for me to work on finding a new background that I liked.  I never knew there were so many blog backgrounds out there.  Today, with DH out of town, I finally had a chance to sit down and do some maintenance work.  I liked my old background better, but this one is ok.   This has been a rough week back at work, we have two new Assistant Principals, and lots of new students.  A new school was built close by which lead to the redistricting of many of our students, we lost some and gained some if that makes sense.  It also hasn't helped that it has been almost 100 degrees everyday this week.  Those poor kids aren't getting to go outside for recess and it is their first week back.  I hope that the weather breaks soon and things cool off, it would also be great if we could get some rain. 


  1. Yes, not having the little ones go out in this weather has been hard on them. It has been a tiring but great week!

  2. I'm so sorry! You know, I LOVE all of the many backgrounds I see and would love to update mine. I'm SOOO old fashioned and behind, but I'm AfRAID! Really, truly, afraid to begin to "mess with things". ugh! Why is it all so complicated?!?! lol
    Glad you got it straightened out... XO

  3. Your blog looks great! Miss you and Kristie! Have a wonderful week! Hope your orientations are fun!
