Sunday, November 22, 2009

Thimbles Weekend

It seems like forever since we have had a Thimbles sewing weekend. Of course I probably feel that way since I didn't make it last month. I had a great time. Our fearless leader started the day describing two of the quilts for our next quarter. They are both stunning. You can see them in the background. The one on the left a Hunter Star pattern and the fabric is from Moda. The one on the right is a scrap quilt from the book 40 Fabulous Quilts. The quilt for March will be a surprise.

I really enjoyed catching up with fellow Thimbles Becky and Kristie. Becky was working on one of Pat's patterns, White Chocolate. Kristie is definitely into applique, and was working on a Bunny Hill pattern featuring Scotties. I was trying to finish up a Bonnie Hunter quilt that was started in the summer. I already had all of the blocks together, managed to get them sewn into rows and got the first border on. I plan on getting the outside border on this afternoon.

There were some great quilts for show and tell, the star quilt above was one of Pat's. The blocks were a swap in her sewing group. I really like star quilts

The redwork quilt was rescued from a garage sale. It was absolutely beautiful, it was from the early 1900's and still in great shape. I would love to do a quilt like that someday.

The stocking quilt is another one of Pat's block swaps with her sewing group. Seeing hers finished makes me want to get my stocking blocks completed and sewn into an actual quilt. Maybe a goal for next winter.


  1. Those quilts are beautiful... I like the socks one and it gave me an idea for a quilt - I have some old Christmas stockings from when I was a kid - it would be fun to do a wall hanging including all of those stockings. SOmething to think about as I get the decorations out of the attic!


  2. These quilts are just so inpirational and pretty!

  3. I love Pat's Sock Quilt! I love the Stars, too, but Socks are the cat's meow. Karmen
