Saturday, August 22, 2009

Susie Homemaker

I got up early this morning which really surprised me, hubby is out of town and I went to Thimbles last night and didn't get home until late. I had the best time last night. Kristie, Becky, Teresa, Susan and I took up the back row and boy did we have fun. I laughed so hard my stomach hurt. Becky looked like she was crying she was laughing so hard. It was one of those things that you just had to be there for, it wouldn't be funny to anyone else. It was Kristie's birthday and it was great that she spent it with her quilting buds. I really needed the laughs, because last week at school, if it could go wrong it did, but the week is over with and out of my mind. On to today, where I was channeling either Martha Stewart or a pioneer housewife. After getting up early, I did three loads of laundry, canned 16 quarts and 1 pint of tomatoes, dusted, vacuumed, cleaned the bathrooms, gathered three boxes of "stuff" to take to Goodwill. All of this was before lunch. After lunch, I mowed the grass, picked more tomatoes, some bell peppers and some jalapenos. While cutting the grass I happened to notice in our azalea bed a huge and I do mean huge hornet's nest. It was big enough that I came in got my camera and hornet spray. It isn't a great picture, but I didn't want to get too close. I used an entire can of hornet spray on it. That should kill all of those nasty little devils. After battling the hornets it was time for a break and time to clean myself up. I needed to go over to Forsyth Fabrics to get fabric for my new bedroom drapes. After getting the new bed, we need lots of new bedroom stuff. I decided how I wanted the drapes made, and the fabric I wanted just had to go over and pick it up. After that it was off to JoAnn's to buy thread and see what other bargains I could find. While at JoAnn's I did buy three patterns, their Simplicity patterns where on sale for 1.00 that is a great price. Now I just have to find fabric for them and get them made. Oh, well that will be a project for another day. Time for dinner and a glass of wine.


  1. We got 'bit' by those little fellas that were hiding in our azaleas bushes ... wasp spray didn't phase them ... argh! TTFN ~Marydon

  2. We missed you on Saturday, but you sure got lots of things done.
