Sunday, August 23, 2009

Christmas Lights

I am following along with the Christmas Lights mystery sponsored by Bonnie Hunter in Quiltmaker Magazine. I completed the first two clues last week. I really like the way they are turning out. When I decided to do this project I was only going to do it if I didn't have to buy anything (I am shopping out of my sewing room), well the red I had picked out I decided was just too bright it really didn't go with the other the gold and the green that I was using. I decided that I could buy the red, which luckily I found on sale at one of the shops in Blue Ridge. I am glad I made the switch.


  1. This looks fantastic! I'm working on a baby quilt & experimenting with the Queen Charlotte's Crown block for the first time!

  2. Gorgeous and Done! I'm still working on my blocks.

  3. They look great - I caught up with your last couple posts - you have been busy! I'm glad I wasn't around that nest of hornets - I'll stick with my frogs and snakes - at least they don't sting!

    Take care,

