Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Mini Family Reunion

This year for Mother's Day my brother, his girlfriend,
his daughter, her husband and three kids all went to my mom's house for the weekend. That is the first time that has happened in more years that I care to admit. It was also my great-nephew's third birthday and we had a party for him on Sunday. (he is the little one in his dad's lap) All of the Aunt's, and Uncle's were there along with most of the cousins. We went for years without having any kids in the family and now there are 5 little ones. My niece's youngest, Vivienne was napping when this shot was taken, she is only 5 months old. I got to meet her for the first time this weekend, and it was the first time I had seen the boys since last September at my dad's funeral. It was sad to think this was the first time we were all together without him. I think he was probably smiling down on us from heaven. I am sure that he had something to do with the weather clearing off long enough for us to have the birthday party outside on Saturday. Here is the birthday boy getting a little help from his great grandmother opening some presents.

I had a surprise waiting for me at work today, my prize from Becky, the Quilting Book Lady. I love my gift. There is a great T-shirt quilt pattern, a charm pack, that is just absolutely beautiful, a red and white fat quarter (red is my all time favorite color) and not one, but two Elmer's Gold Brick Eggs. Becky and I had talked about how good these were when she came back from visiting her family during spring break. I just ate one and they are as delicious as I remember. Thanks so much Becky.

1 comment:

  1. This was the best gift for your Mom - having her family with her.

    Fun seeing pictures of your family!
