Tuesday, April 14, 2009

April Showers

We are definitely having our share of April showers here in Atlanta. The last few years have been major drought years for us, so the showers are welcome. It would be nice however to see the sun sometime this week. At least all of this rainy weather gives me a chance to read on of my favorite books at school this week, Thunder Cake by Patricia Polacco. This is the story of a little girl who is afraid of thunder, but with some help from her grandmother she over comes her fear and in the process makes a Thunder Cake. The recipe is included a the back of the book. It sounds very intriguing, it has tomatoes in it. I have never tried it, even though I say I am going to every time I read the book. Here is a link to the recipe if you are interested, http://www.patriciapolacco.com/participation/kidstalk/questions_week/week_3/cake_recipe.html
All of this rainy weather makes me want to stay at home curled up with a good book, and a cup of hot chocolate while taking breaks to work on some unfinished sewing projects.


  1. I love this story, too. It's so fun to do sound effects. I love Franklin's Thunderstorm, too. I'm ready for lots of sunny, warm weather.

  2. Oh I should find that book for my younger sister. I remember her being scared to death of thunder when we were growing up. And only my grandma or I could comfort her. She's probably love that book.
