Sunday, April 27, 2008

Weekend in Gatlinburg

No sewing at my house this weekend!! Joe and I decided we needed to get away for a couple of days. We went to Gatlinburg for the annual Wildflower Pilgrimage, this is the fourth year that we have been. If you are interested in wildflowers it is a great time. The festival actually started on Wednesday, but since we both had to work we didn't go up until Friday afternoon. On Saturday, we went on two hikes. Saturday morning we got up to very cloudy skies for our hike on the Chestnut Top Trail. The hike was led by Aaron, a graduate student from the University of TN, and Ily Hatter an expert on the medicinal uses for wildflowers. Luckily it only rained for about the first 10 minutes of the hike. We saw some beautiful flowers. The one above is called Indian Paintbrush.

The afternoon hike was at the Chimneys area, the Cove hardwood trail. Our leader on that hike was Leo, a botanist for TVA. He was wonderful at giving us the common name for the plant. I can't remember the Latin names. I do good to remember the common names. We also saw a few rare plants: cancer root, walking fern, and yellow wood.
The only drawback to the entire weekend, was the biker convention in Cherokee. I have nothing against bikers but they were every where, and very, very loud.
I did think about quilting, long enough to buy a sampler quilt pattern for the 75th Anniversary of the Great Smoky Mountain National Park. It is one that I will definitely do, sometime.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear that you went away for the weekend. The Wildflower Pilgriamge sounds wonderful. I'm impressed with your wildflower knowledge.

    Take care!
